Indian Grove township--p 737
John Atkins, retired farmer; P.O. Box Fairbury; born in Waterbury, VT, Aug, 31, 1808; removed to Illinois in 1834, with his father's family; who settled in Will Co; stopping at Joliet, where they partook of a supper consisting of bread and milk (sour milk); the subject of this sketch resided in Will Co. Until the Spring of 1854, when he removed to this county, locating in Pontiac tp., where he ingaged in farming; removed to Fairbury, his present home in 1857; owns 200 acres of land in this country, valued at $9,000, and 1,300 acres of western land valued at $13,000. Has served as Commissioner of Highways. Married in 1832 to Anna Alden; she was born in Stowe, VT., in July 1808 , died in 1847; seven children by this union, five living--Jane, (wife of WIlliam Eames), Julia (wife of J.L. Miller), John H. ,Alden, Sarah A., (wife of A.A. Potter); lost two--William died March 24, 1842; Philander, July 30, 1846; was again married in December 1849, to Lucy M. Gillet, who was born in Canada , May 1825; three children by second marriage, two living--Walter C. and Flora E. (wife of John Bridges); Merand died March 28, 1851; was again married to Mrs Sara A. Gardner (Smith) OCt. 9, 1860, who was born in Erie CO., OH., Jun 1828; one child by this union John S. ., who died April 11, 1873. Mr Atkins was the first to engage in rafting of sawed lumber on the Des Plains River